Handbooks for Professionals in the Commodity & Energy Markets

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About contract specifications, pricing, clearing, margining and settlement

In this book term contracts are covered, both forwards and futures. Attention is given to contract specifications, as well as clearing and settlement. Specific processes, such as delivery, margining and cascading are also explained. Furthermore, pricing is set out. Forward curves, including contango and backwardation, are described and it is explicated how this relates to the rolling of futures positions. Last, but not least, spread futures and futures spreads are considered in detail.




In this book term contracts are covered, both forwards and futures. Attention is given to contract specifications, as well as clearing and settlement. Specific processes, such as delivery, margining and cascading are also explained. Furthermore, pricing is set out. Forward curves, including contango and backwardation, are described and it is explicated how this relates to the rolling of futures positions. Last, but not least, spread futures and futures spreads are considered in detail.

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