Handbooks for Professionals in the Commodity & Energy Markets

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Clearing & Settlement

Trading operations, margining, physical delivery and cash settlement

Trading operations involve clearing, as well as settlement. The transaction life cycle takes professionals from order initiation and matching, via deal confirmation and clearing, to the effectuation of the agreement. Counterparty risk management is crucial to the business of organisations who operate in the field of trading. Collateralisation and margining concern associated processes, which have been given a lot of attention since the global financial crisis.

Settlement is another important activity for those who trade or are indirectly involved with this business. It includes lots of relevant processes, such as physical delivery, invoicing and payment. Specific expertise is required to cope with related incidents and risks.




Trading operations involve clearing, as well as settlement. The transaction life cycle takes professionals from order initiation and matching, via deal confirmation and clearing, to the effectuation of the agreement. Counterparty risk management is crucial to the business of organisations who operate in the field of trading. Collateralisation and margining concern associated processes, which have been given a lot of attention since the global financial crisis.

Settlement is another important activity for those who trade or are indirectly involved with this business. It includes lots of relevant processes, such as physical delivery, invoicing and payment. Specific expertise is required to cope with related incidents and risks.

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